On 30 and 31 May 2024, the Department of Economics and Statistics of the University of Naples "Federico II" will host the XIV NERI Workshop.:


Investing in Infrastructures: New technologies, sustainability and regulatory challenges


NERI meetings focus on the economics of regulation, in its broadest sense of public intervention aimed at affecting market outcomes, with particular attention to the relationship between regulatory tools and institutions. 


This year’s Workshop will include invited sessions with two keynote speakers:

  • GIACOMO PONZETTO (CREI, UPF and Barcelona School of Economics)
  • MARCO LEONARDI (Università Statale di Milano)


The Call for Paper is now open. 

We invite the submission of papers on any topic of interest to NERI and particularly encourage submission of papers on the main theme of the workshop. 

Papers should be submitted to neri.workshop@gmail.com by 10 April 2024. 

Decisions will be sent to authors by 24 April 2024.



Please find below the Workshop program and the Call for Papers.

Program XIV NERI Workshop
Programme_XIV NERI Workshop_2024.pdf
Documento Adobe Acrobat 199.0 KB
Call for Paper XIV NERI Workshop
Call for submissions_NERI XIV Napoli 202
Documento Adobe Acrobat 296.1 KB



The Department of Economics and Statistics, University of Naples Federico II, will cover the fees. The only exceptions are the social dinner on 30 May and the light lunch on 31 May, which can be paid on the spot by the participants.  



Below a few pieces of practical information that might be useful for your travel, accommodation, and permanence in Napoli:

Practical Information
Instructions to Participants NERI.pdf
Documento Adobe Acrobat 241.5 KB